- Title: The Infinite Border
- Duration: 90
- Screening format: HD
- Language: Spanish
- Subtitles: English, French
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Sound: 5.1
- Year: 2008
- Production country: Mexico
- Production companies: Fragua Cinematografía
"…an attractive tale that becomes a parable of immobility and despair." - Rafael Aviña, Reforma
"As if to fight against the chaotic and desperate conditions, Sepulveda seeks out his subjects with a precise eye that balances aesthetic engagement with human sensitivity, akin to a consummate landscape painter depicting a group making a mad dash from the cops." - Robert Koehler, Variety
"…an impeccable cinematic work, elegant and filled with confidence." - Heidi Ewing, Sean Farnel, y Leena Pasanen, jurados del 5º. Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia
Each year, hundreds of thousands of Central Americans enter Mexico on their way to the United States. The Infinite Border is the story of the unbreakable will and hope of these men and women who, in spite of the violence and hunger that await them, do not stop in their attempt to reach the American Dream.